Logs book

New release 14.8-0.0 (kernel-6.1.69)

Sunday, December 31 2023

This release include (among many):
Kernel6.1.69The Linux kernel
asterisk12.0.0The Open Source PBX
frr8.5.4Routing Software Suite
gcc13.2C, C++ compiler
gdb13.2A GNU source-level debugger for C, C++
git2.43.0Fast Version Control System
ghostscript10.02.1A PostScript interpreter and renderer
httpd2.4.58Apache HTTP Server
howdy2.6.1Windows Hello for Linux (face recognition)
less633A text file browser similar to more, but better
libzypp17.31.25Library for package, patch, pattern and product management
iptables1.8.10Tools for managing Linux kernel packet filtering capabilities
libreofficee7.6.4.1Free Software Productivity Suite
nano7.2A small text editor
nvidia-driver-long535.129.03NVIDIA's proprietary display driver for NVIDIA graphic cards
nvidia-driver-legacy470.182.03NVIDIA's proprietary display driver for "old" NVIDIA graphic cards
openldap2.6.6The OpenLDAP package provides an open source implementation of the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol.
php8.2.8PHP scripting language for creating dynamic web sites
python3.11.4Version 3 of the Python programming language
seamonkey2.53.18QtWebEngine web browser.
wine7.2A compatibility layer for windows applications
xscreensaver6.08MATE screensaver
zfs2.2.0Native ZFS for Linux

Program available in this release are listed here
(2983 packages)

Here is the procedure to upgrade to 14.8-0

As root user:
# zypper --releasever 14.8 refresh
# zypper --releasever 14.8 update osukiss-release
# ok_upgrade

New release 12.8-0.0 (kernel-6.0.2)

Saturday, October 22 2022

This release include (among many):
Kernel6.0.2The Linux kernel
asterisk19.6.0The Open Source PBX
frr8.3.1Routing Software Suite
gcc12.2C, C++ compiler
gdb12.1A GNU source-level debugger for C, C++
git2.37.0Fast Version Control System
ghostscript9.56.1A PostScript interpreter and renderer
httpd2.4.54Apache HTTP Server
howdy2.6.1Windows Hello for Linux (face recognition)
less608A text file browser similar to more, but better
libzypp17.31.0Library for package, patch, pattern and product management
iptables1.8.8Tools for managing Linux kernel packet filtering capabilities
libreofficee7.3.3.2Free Software Productivity Suite
nano6.3A small text editor
nvidia-driver-long515.65.01NVIDIA's proprietary display driver for NVIDIA graphic cards
nvidia-driver-legacy470.103.01NVIDIA's proprietary display driver for "old" NVIDIA graphic cards
openldap2.6.1The OpenLDAP package provides an open source implementation of the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol.
php8.1.9PHP scripting language for creating dynamic web sites
python3.10.8Version 3 of the Python programming language
seamonkey2.53.12QtWebEngine web browser.
wine7.12A compatibility layer for windows applications
xscreensaver6.05MATE screensaver
zfs2.1.6Native ZFS for Linux

Program available in this release are listed here
(2570 packages)

Here is the procedure to upgrade to 12.8-0

As root user:
# zypper --releasever 12.8 refresh
# zypper --releasever 12.8 update osukiss-release
# ok_upgrade

New release 10.4-0.0 (kernel-5.13.1)

Tuesday, July 06 2021

This release include (among many):
Kernel5.13.1The Linux kernel
Epiphany40.2Web browser for GNOME
firefox78.11.0Mozilla Firefox Web browser
fmmpeg4.4A collection of libraries and tools to process multimedia content
gcc11.1C, C++ compiler
gdb10.2A GNU source-level debugger for C, C++
git2.32.0Fast Version Control System
ghostscript9.54.0A PostScript interpreter and renderer
httpd2.4.48Apache HTTP Server
iptables1.8.7Tools for managing Linux kernel packet filtering capabilities
libreofficee7.1.4.2Free Software Productivity Suite
nano5.8A small text editor
openldap2.5.5The OpenLDAP package provides an open source implementation of the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol.
php8.0.0PHP scripting language for creating dynamic web sites
seamonkey2.63.8QtWebEngine web browser.
sendmail8.16.1A proved Mail Transport Agent (MTA)
wine6.12A compatibility layer for windows applications
xscreensaver6.01MATE screensaver
zfs2.1.0Native ZFS for Linux

This release include debuginfo rpm components.

Program available in this release are listed here
(2352 packages)

Here is the procedure to upgrade to 10.4-0

As root user:
# zypper --releasever 10.4 refresh
# zypper --releasever 10.4 update osukiss-release
# ok_upgrade

New release 10.2-0.0 (lxc-4.0.9)

Wednesday, June 16 2021

This release include (among many):
kernel :5.12.10The 5.12 Linux last kernel branch
evolution :3.40.2Mail and calendar client for GNOME
php :8.0.5Lastest PHP version
lxc :4.0.9Linux Resource Containers
Program available in this release are listed here
(1521 packages)
Here is the procedure to upgrade to 10.2-0
As root user:
# zypper --releasever 10.2 refresh
# zypper --releasever 10.2 update osukiss-release
# ok_upgrade

New release 10.0-2.0 (php-8.0)

Sunday, March 21 2021

This release include (among many):
kernel :5.11.7The 5.11 Linux last kernel branch
glibc :2.33Latest GNU libc libraries
binutils :2.36.1Latest GNU collection of binary utilities
clement :2.8.0A SMTP MTA, with powerful logs and management web interface using php-8.0
mate :1.25.0MATE Desktop Environment
php :8.0.3Lastest PHP version
Zoiper5 :5.4.12A SIP and IAX phone solution
Program available in this release are listed here
(1453 packages)
Here is the procedure to upgrade to 10.0-2
As root user:
# zypper --releasever 10.0 refresh
# zypper --releasever 10.0 update osukiss-release
# ok_upgrade

New release 9.4-6.0 (zoom)

Sunday, December 20 2020

This release include (among many):
kernel :5.10.1The 5.10 Linux last kernel branch
openvpn :2.5.0last version using stronger cipher by default (upgrade to AES-256-GCM when possible)
rsync :3.2.3last version with xxHashi check sum capability
zoom :5.4.6Video Conferencing and Web Conferencing Service
Program available in this release are listed here
(1425 packages)
Here is the procedure to upgrade to 9.4-6
As root user:
# zypper --releasever 9.4 refresh
# zypper --releasever 9.4 update osukiss-release
# ok_upgrade

Adding ethtool as a new tool to release 9.4-4.0.

Wednesday, December 09 2020

This is a quick release update to add utility tool "ethtool-5.9".
This tool allow you to do fine tuning about ethernet interface.

New release 9.4-4.0 (games)

Monday, December 07 2020

This release include (among many):
libreoffice : Source, community-developed, office productivity suite
kernel :5.9.12The Linux kernel
zfs :2.0.0A powerfull and reliable file system

This is Christmass, I addeed few gnome games to this release,

yours to discover.

Program available in this release are listed here
(1403 packages)
Here is the procedure to upgrade to 9.4-4
As root user:
# zypper --releasever 9.4 refresh
# zypper --releasever 9.4 update osukiss-release
# ok_upgrade

New release 9.3-12.0 (Samba)

Thursday, November 12 2020

This release include:
Samba :4.13.2Mounting disk partition from/to windows
kernel :5.9.2The Linux kernel

This release is focused on samba, to be able to exchange data with windows like system

Program available in this release are listed here
(1352 packages)
Here is the procedure to upgrade to 9.3-12
As root user:
# zypper --releasever 9.3 refresh
# zypper --releasever 9.3 update osukiss-release
# ok_upgrade

New release 9.3-8.0 (net-tools)

Saturday, October 10 2020

This release include:
net-tools :2.0Better network tools
kernel :5.8.10The Linux kernel

This release is focused on network tool 'net-tools', to get a more verbose ifconfig and practical tools as netstat.

Program available in this release are listed here
(1282 packages)
Here is the procedure to upgrade to 9.3-8.0
As root user:
# zypper --releasever 9.3 refresh
# zypper --releasever 9.3 update osukiss-release
# ok_upgrade

New release 9.2-1.85 (domoticz)

Friday, July 17 2020

This release include:
domoticz :2020.2-1An Home Automation System
kernel :5.7.8The Linux kernel

This release is focused on application tool 'domoticz', to see if we can use it to
"drive" home appliance.

Program available in this release are listed here
(1209 packages)
Here is the procedure to upgrade to 9.2-1.85.
As root user:
# zypper --releasever 9.2 refresh
# zypper --releasever 9.2 update osukiss-release
# ok_upgrade

New release 9.1-1.84 (Routing with frr)

Monday, June 01 2020

This release include:
frr :7.3.1Routing Software Suite
texlive :20200406Tex formatting system
rustc :1.42.0The Rust Programming Language
kernel :5.6.14The Linux kernel

This release is focused on routing function, 'frr' is fork of quagga and do the same function

Program available in this release are listed here
(1061 packages)
Here is the procedure to upgrade to 9.1-1.84.
As root user:
# zypper --releasever 9.1 refresh
# zypper --releasever 9.1 update osukiss-release
# ok_upgrade

New release 9.1-1.74 (Email capability)

Thursday, January 30 2020

This release include:
clamav :0.102.1The clamav antivirus scanner
spamassassin :3.4.3 Spam filter for Email
clement : Application to filter and manage E-mail traffic
dovecot : IMAP and POP server
Linux kernel :5.4.13

This release is focused on email capability.
Clement is an email MTA (serveur) with a WEB interface to check logs,
to manage Email filtering and check traffic via graphic statistics (rrdtools).
Dovecot is an email MDA (serveur) with a POP3 or IMAP capabilities.
All tools are now available to have nice emails filtering and dispatching
capabilities on Osukiss

Program available in this release are listed here
(1061 packages)
Here is the procedure to upgrade to 9.1-1.74.
As root user:
# zypper --releasever 9.1 refresh
# zypper --releasever 9.1 update osukiss-release
# ok_upgrade

New release 9.1-1.70 (bluetooth capability)

Thursday, January 02 2020

This release include:
asterisk :The Open Source PBX
bluemnan :A GTK+ Bluetooth manager
python :Version 3,8 of the Python programming language
Linux kernel :5.4.6
This release marks a big step in this project's journey, we have now in production
a rather complete distribution, fully usable without systemd.
Next release will be issued according major change/improvement in a major
components, hopefully in a matter of 2 to 3 months.
Program available in this release are listed here
(1027 packages)
Here is the procedure to upgrade to 9.1-1.70.
As root user:
# zypper --releasever 9.1 refresh
# zypper --releasever 9.1 update osukiss-release
# ok_upgrade

adding bluez (bluetooth) daemon

Friday, November 29 2019

So now, we should have bluetooth exchanges capablities.
If the daemon is really working or not, is quite another
Added a kludge to jami package. The 'dring' daemon
stay up while it shouldn't, the kludge force the unneeded
daemon to die.
Tried to upgrade the jami package with last commits from
savoirfairelinux without success. Commits depends
on too many other packages partial commit.
Waiting for jami packages to be in better shape before
trying again.

New release 9.1-1.64 (video call and "nouveau" driver)

Sunday, November 24 2019

This release include:
jami-gnome :A Voice/Video-over-IP software phone
webcamoid :The ultimate webcam suite
Linux kernel :5.3.11
We used jami-gnome client connected to an Asterisk server to have
voice AND video call to be carried oversea.
We backtracked about the "nouveau" driver. It is now
white listed. If your NVIDIA graphic is not properly
working, you need to fully blacklist the "nouveau" driver,
reboot in command mode (level3) and install package
Program available in this release are listed here
(970 packages)
Here is the procedure to upgrade to 9.1-1.64.
As root user:
# zypper --releasever 9.1 refresh
# zypper --releasever 9.1 update osukiss-release
# ok_upgrade

New release 9.1-1.60

Saturday, November 02 2019

This release include:
twinkle :A SIP-based VoIP client
system-config-printer :A GUI printer administration tool
Linux kernel :5.3.8
Before twinkle, with tried ekiga and empathy.
Ekiga SIP protocol implementation is buggy.
Empathy, was working with SIP, but application was found "unstable and not reliable"
(may be, because Emapthy is qt4 while Osukiss is set with qt5)
twinkle is using qt-5 and was working "first strike" (impressive!).
Program available in this release are listed here
(more than 900 packages)
Here is the procedure to upgrade to 9.1.
As root user:
# zypper --releasever 9.1 refresh
# zypper --releasever 9.1 update osukiss-release
# zypper update

About using kernel "nouveau" driver form NVIDIA graphic card.

Saturday, October 05 2019

Our station is using a Quadro P400, it is not working
properly with kernel "nouveau" driver (unable to come
back from screensaver mode).
So have added "modprobe.blacklist=nouveau" to the
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX within /etc/default/grub file
and added "nouveau" within /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf file.
To use the "nvidia" driver, just install it from repository
using command:
zypper install nvidia-driver
current "nvidia" driver is 435-21

New release 9.0-1.58 (to be in sync with LFS)

Tuesday, September 03 2019

Release 9.0-1.58, is now available. Beside a new
kernel-5.2.8, a new glibc-2.30 and a new compiler
gcc-9.2.0, libreoffice- and evolution-3.32.4
are now included in this release.
Program available in this release are listed here
(more than 850 packages)
Here is the procedure to upgrade from 8.5 to 9.0.
As root user:
# zypper --releasever 9.0 refresh
# zypper --releasever 9.0 update osukiss-release
# zypper update

Adding an email client to Osukiss

Friday, August 30 2019

We tried to add geary
which seems a good and small email client
whorth to be added to the project.
This was not successful, while the application was
indeed working fine, The lack of Email signature capability
nor GPG provisionning make geary an incomplet package.
According logs and mailling list, requested to have
crypting capabilities to geary was discussed as early
as 2012, but no real progress was done on this issue
So evolution,
was selected to be the Osukiss email client.

Osukiss with gparted and ntfs-3g

Tuesday, July 30 2019

Release 8.5-1.50, is now available. main addition
over previous 8.5-1.48 are gparted and ntfs-3g utilites programs.
Program available in this release are listed here
DM snapshot is used within the LIVE CD, so Osukiss
can be installed with only 2G of memory on the system.

Use of DM snapshot capability

Thursday, July 25 2019

dmsetup snapshot is now used to boot from PXE and LIVE-CD.
This reduce memory usage foot-print and will allow to
add user functionnality to the LIVE-CD (at the expense of
LIVE-CD size).
This will be part of developpement release 8.5-1.50

Wireless drivers are now available.

Thursday, July 04 2019

It is possible to establish a WIFI link. Wireless driver
are now part of the kernel configuration and an extra
realtek-rtl8812au driver is include.
wicd was selected as network manager, wicd is working
better in GUI mode compared to command line mode.
While not active, "service network" is still available.

Osukiss-live ISO boot is UEFI compatible (release 1.46)

Saturday, June 22 2019

It was rather painful to implement, but the available
Osukiss ISO is now UEFI boot mode compatible.
Grub menu present 4 options
- install graphic mode
- install text mode
- debug, booting in single mode
- test media and install text mode
The calamares distribution agnostic installer is
part of the desktop interface.
Resulting osukiss installed distribution are configured
to be bootable in UEFI mode or legacy mode.

Calamares is now working (release 1.44)

Saturday, June 15 2019

Calamares is a graphic and distribution-independent
system installer
It is now integrated within the Osukiss-Live.iso

zfs-0.8.0 is now part of osukiss release

Saturday, May 25 2019

This new ZFS release merge the SPL library and
provide TRIM capability (at last!)
Using ZFS to "snapshot" vzgot container contents.

Mate with Mojave Theme (release 1.41)

Saturday, May 25 2019

Mojave-gtk-theme is now included within mate-desktop
Mojave is a Mac OSX like theme for GTK 3, GTK 2 and Gnome-Shell
which supports GTK 3 and GTK 2 based desktop environments like
Gnome, Pantheon, XFCE, Mate, etc.
Nice looking!

Beta-Release Osukiss-1.40

Thursday, May 02 2019

Osukiss-1.40 with MATE as graphic
desktop is available.
I am pleased to have Gnome2 fonctionalities
available again.

Trying to have MATE within Osukiss

Thursday, March 14 2019

Started to compile mate-1.22 components
MATE is a fork of gnome2 and hopiefully Gnome-2
screen management will be still fonctionnal

Osukiss-1.32 released (Using LFS-8.4)

Friday, March 01 2019

We are in sync with LFS-8.4. all LFS components are
part of Ouskiss-1.32.
This release is used in production.
About ISO:
Using the ISO file (LFS-8.4-1.32.2-rescue-x86_64.iso)
there an automatic boot as root and an dialog script is
automatically started.
This ISO include ALL stable LFS-8.4 components
Dialog script give the option to:
- Simple install procedure after disk selection.
- Access current hardware system in rescue mode
This ISO can be used to rescue you current LFS or
to install an LFS as starting point to work BBLFS.
1) ISO is a sysvinit system
2) Network LAN is set using dhclient, you need
to have dhcp server on your LAN.
3) ISO boot process start sshd by default, provided
you set the root password, you can access your
station from remote.
Such you can access your station/server with multiple
console and make the rescue easier.

Osukiss-1.23 installed as a virtual.

Wednesday, February 06 2019

Using Fedora-29 and libvirt, we are successfully installed
and run Osukiss-1.23 as a virtual (KVM-intel).
Graphic display is still limited to 1 screen (it must
be a Fedora+libvirt configuration small adjustment to do).
Virtual Sound is working too.

Osukiss-1.22.2 (LFS-8.4-1.22.2) is available

Saturday, February 02 2019

So, it seems we are in pace with Linux from scratch for their
next 8.4 release.
602 packages available.
We should be able to to release osukiss with all LFS-8.4
component almost is same time, LFS annonce it.

Database mariadb available and final LFS-8.3 release

Monday, January 07 2019

Release Osukiss-1.17.0 (LFS-8.3-1.17.0) is available and
include mariaDB multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database server.
The base package contains the standard MariaDB/MySQL client programs
and generic MySQL files.
Distribution is now populated with both PostgreSQL and MySQL
LFS-8.3-1.17.0 is the last with LFS-8.3, next release
will be for support purpose only.
Working about generating an Oskiss based on LFS-8.4

Osukiss-1.16.0 (LFS-8.3-1.16.0) is now in production

Thursday, January 03 2019

On the last week of 2018, we moved a big chunk of our production system
to hosts running Osukiss-1.16.0.
We have around 50 autonomous containers (focused on database, DNS,
email, devel,...) running on 2 Hosts.
We use ZFS as data files system (we have found ZFS to be very practical
and reliable) and VZGOT (vzgot use linux namespace and cgroup, similar to LXC)
to "drive" containers.
Autonomous container runs image distribution (Centos-5, centos-6, Centos-7
and Osukiss-1) and each container get its own IP.
Osukiss-1.17 can be used a desktop (to do developpement), but
we are still missing tools as libre-office and Email-reader
(IE: Thunderbird).
There near 600 packages (594 to be accurate) available
via yum.
We strongly believe, the distribution, once installed, can be
used to go Beyond Linux From scratch.
Matter of fact, the last release, was recompiled (once again)
from scratch within an Osukiss-1 container hosted by a
Osukiss-1 HOST.
Please enjoy, and give us feed back...

Simple and quick 'installer' shell script.

Friday, October 26 2018

Once you have booted from a LIVE osukiss install (USB or PXE) you
are prompted with a dialog screen with 4 options
Keys (Set system keyboard)
Inst (Install system)
Shell (Rescue system)
Shutdown (Poweroff system)
Select "Inst"
Disk Partitionning:
First you need to select on which disk you want install Osukiss,
The installer script will create partition on all disks listed and setup a
sofware RAID (mdadm: raid1, and raid10) if you have selected more
than one disk (disk size must be roughly equal to have raid happy).
In RAID mode, MBR record are written on all Raid disks that are assigned
to osukiss, so rebooting shouldn't be a problem.
validations are prompted before using a disk because install
procedure use the whole disk to install Osukiss.
Program Install
Once the disk is ready, another dialog window will appeare and
ask you to select program components.
[ ] release-minimal
[ ] release-base
[ ] release-server
[ ] release-devel
[ ] release-xorg
[ ] release-lxqt
[ ] release-xfce
[ ] release-applications
[ ] release-games
Minimal is the very minimal set of programm to have a bootable Osukiss.
Server is all component needed to have a server (postgresql,mariadb,bin,ntp)
Devel is all component needed to build application (compiler, make, etc....)
Xorg regroup the basic graphic components
LXQT regroup component for lxqt desktop display
XFCE regroup component for lxqt desktop display
Applications regroup application components (web browser, accounting, video transcoder)
Games!, just two for now,
bzflag. Purpose of this games is to show 3D and sound handling.
swell-foop, a puzzle game.
We suggest to select only release-minimal the first time.
Around 130 packages are to be installed and process will be displayed on screen.
Once installation completed, you will be asked to set the root password and
to create, at least, one user.
Once all needed users are created, just select within dialog window.
Once completed, you can do "chroot /osukiss" to double check installation
and check if you find your mark within.
Now reboot and remove the USB-key, Osukiss should come up nicely
Once rebooted, you can type:
# yum list | grep release
and see a list of release (release-xxx are set of packages)
If you want graphic, type;
# yum install release-applications release-games
yum will ask you for a "go/nogo" to install +200 packages is ok, say "y"
You can now, activate the graphic mode, by typing
# /sbin/init 5
To check if everything is alright, you can switch back to command line
and come back to console mode by typing
# /sbin/init 3
Once you are satisfied, change file
to set '5' instead of '3' as initdefault mode (inittab first line)
Reboot and enjoy.

Osukiss graphic mode

Tuesday, October 23 2018

Release 8.3-1.0, the LXQT graphic interface is up and
running. you can navigate on the internet using falkon
web browser.
As a candy, we also add game bzflag, the bzflag addition
main purpose was to check if 3D and sound libraries were
properly implemented.
The installation procedure using 'dialog' need to be

A Rescue liveCD is available

Tuesday, September 04 2018

A Small 350 Mbyes liveCD is available within directory
This ISO file is a very minimal bootable LIveCD
allowing to rescue and install Osukiss.
To install,
#cd ~root/installok
#./installer /dev/sda
if you want to install it on /dev/sda,
enter "/dev/sda /dev/sdb /dev/sdc" is you want
to install it in RAID mode.
To Rescue,
tools as e2fsprogs, mdadm, links, wget and vim
are included.
If you need other component, yum can be used
#yum list
to know if package you need is indeed available.

VZGOT is working within osukiss

Monday, August 06 2018

Vzgot is a container system, working "a la" openvz, and
using cgroup above a vanilla linux kernel.
Vzgot container can be defined within a ZFS mountpoint and
such, the ZFS snapshot capability cans be used to backup or
move container.
creating a container is straightforward
vzgot.mksrvz container_name
Starting/stopping a container from the HOST stand point.
vzgot boot container_name
vzgot shutdown container_name
'container_name' need to be a hostname defined within
your current domain name. the 'container_name' IP will
be assigned to the created container. Container become
then a fully autonomous system.
Routing is done using quagga at HOST level.

ZFS is now available within Osukiss

Wednesday, July 25 2018

ZFS is working. the way ZFS report problem to sys-admin need
to be fine tuned at the installation.
Some ZFS scripts need to be adjusted to run within Osukiss OS.

HandBrake up and running in Graphic mode!

Thursday, July 19 2018

Recompiled HandBrake to generate the GUI mode.
Installed the new RPM and "Voila!", Handbrake is
available from the LXQT window manager.

Graphic screen displayed

Thursday, July 12 2018

Compiled LXQT to be used a window manager and SDDM as Desktop
Display Manager.
Seem to be working fine, still need to be populated with nice
To activate SDDM at CLI (Command Line Interface) level
# /sbin/init 5
To be in graphic mode after booting, edit file
/etc/inittab and set the initdefault to 5 (the first
line within /etc/inittab).
id: 3:initdefault: -> id: 5:initdefault:

Osukiss can now be compiled on a simple Core-2 system

Thursday, June 21 2018

Found the 2 problems, making "illegal instruction"
when running on a Core-2 processor system.
Problem was found to be in GMP (a GCC component) to
be compiled with a "Build" processor definition (not
the Processor of the developpement system).
Other "illegal instruction" were caused by libffi which
need to be compiled with the "enable-portable-binary"
configure switch.

LivePXE 8.3 working

Tuesday, June 19 2018

Today I was able to load a LFS-8.3 livepxe on the core-2, 4G Memory desktop.
Only the release-devel is available. But we are in pace with current LFS-SVN.
We should be able to have Osukiss-8.3 available in same time LFS-8.3 will be released.

GCC is unable to compile cmake.

Sunday, June 17 2018

Working on SVN-LFS (the future 8.3) and found the
recompiled GCC is not able to compile 'cmake'. Problem
seems related to G++, as all other C packages compile
without problen.
It is a major drawback!.
Is GCC unstable? what are we missing?
Addedum 20180618.
Problem found within GCC recompile process.
the libstdc++ Makefile file was poisoning the
/usr/include/c++ files.
Removed the libstdc++ recompilation, this
was only needed for bootstape procedure within

Reading local Email with pop3/imap protocol.

Saturday, June 02 2018

By default, many daemon (fcron, smartools, etc.) do their reporting through
Email is delivered locally using dovecot and can be read using
a TLS/SSL connection to the server.
You can forward email to an external account (an_account@gmail.com) if
you adjust /etc/esmtprc to define a smarthost.
There is no aliases capability for now (event if there an /etc/aliases file).

Can boot Osukiss from a USB key.

Tuesday, May 22 2018

The generated ISO file can be used directly to prepare
an USB key with the 'dd' command:
Getting the iso file:
#wget https://okrepo.safe.ca/osukiss/1.8.2/isos/osukiss-1.8.2.iso
#dd if=osukiss-{release_number).iso of=/dev/{uskey_device} bs=1M
Let's say your USBKEY is detected as /dev/sdd and that the osukiss
release number is 1.8.2
#dd if=osukiss-1.8.2.iso of=/dev/sdd bs=1M
If you use fdisk to check /dev/sdd partitioning, you should
find something like this:
Disk /dev/sdd: 16.0 GB, 16039018496 bytes
64 heads, 32 sectors/track, 15296 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 2048 * 512 = 1048576 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x6122223f
Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sdd1 * 1 667 683008 17 Hidden HPFS/NTFS

Adding log rotation capability.

Wednesday, May 16 2018

The logrotate functionnality is now available.
The directives are stored within /etc/logorate.d.

HandBrake up and running!

Wednesday, May 09 2018

A friend of mine challenged me to have HandBrake running on Osukiss,
as it was not available on CentOS.
Within a day, Handbrake was usable.
Certainly we need to compile and add severals graphic components to Osukiss's librairies,
but overall, it went very well.
He is now heavily using Osukiss and Handbrake on a spare PC 24 hours a day,
converting his big CD library to a 4 TBytes disk for safekeeping...
(He's starting to wonder if the disk will be big enough :})

Simple and quick 'installer' shell script.

Tuesday, April 24 2018

Once you have booted from a LIVE osukiss install (USB or PXE) you
will find within the root directory a directory named
"installok", which contains a script named "installer".
This script allow you to quickly install osukiss
on your system's disk.
Syntax is rather simple
#./installer /dev/{diska} [/dev/{diskb}] ...
Example for a single disk:
Lets say you want to quickly install osukiss on /dev/sda
#./installer /dev/sda
That is the gist of it.
The install process will use and format the WHOLE DISK current partitions,
before proceeding, the installer will display the current disk partitionning
and ask for a final confirmation. If the answer is "Yes", 'installer'
will proceed with NO further prompts and install a bootable osukiss on this disk.
Example for multiples disks:
Lets say you want to install osukiss and dedicate 3 disks, /dev/sda /dev/sdb /dev/sde to it.
#./installer /dev/sda /dev/sdb /dev/sde
The installer script will repartion all disks listed and setup a sofware RAID (raid1, and raid10)
Once again, it will ask for a validation before using a disk, this means
that in our example, you need to enter three "Yes".
In raid mode, a MBR record is written on all disks that are assigned to osukiss
(sda, sdb and sde in our example), so rebooting shouldn't be a problem.

Installing a LIVE PXE on osukiss

Saturday, March 03 2018

A live.iso file is available for use on a system using PXE.
If you have a PXE server it is very easy to have
quick look about Osukiss.
Donwload these two files:
#wget https://okrepo.safe.ca/osukiss/1.8.2/pxeboot/initrd0.img
#wget https://okrepo.safe.ca/osukiss/1.8.2/pxeboot/vmlinuz0
Store those files in your pxe directory (usually something like
Adjust your station definition within your PXE server.
a very basic PXE configuration look like.
DEFAULT pxeboot
LABEL pxeboot
KERNEL vmlinuz0
APPEND rootflags=loop initrd=initrd0.img root=live:/osukiss-1.8.2.iso rootfstype=auto ro liveimg vga=791 rd_NO_LUKS rd_NO_MD rd_NO_DM rhgb
When you reboot your station, ask to reboot from network (usually the F12 key)
and wait as the 1GB Osukiss's image is downloaded.
Essential daemons will start on boot (logs, cron, iptables, sshd, etc..) and there is NO
root passwd (Make sure to set one using the console). You are ready to work with the PXE.